Real ketchup, no sugar

Author: Oogne


Discover the art of homemade ketchup, crafted from wholesome ingredients like rich tomato paste, apple cider vinegar, and a symphony of savory spices – all without added sugar. The trick here is coconut aminos, which will provide that much-needed taste of sweetness!

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Number of portions: 8
1 Can(s)
250 ml/ 8 oz tomato sauce
1 Can(s)
170 ml/ 6 oz tomato paste
170 Mililiter(s)
6 oz water
2 Tablespoon(s)
apple cider vinegar
5 Tablespoon(s)
coconut aminos
1/4 Teaspoon(s)
onion powder
1/2 Teaspoon(s)
garlic powder
salt to taste


Preparation time: 15-30 min.
  1. Mix together all the ingredients in a saucepan placed over low heat, ensuring they are well combined.
  2. Let it simmer gently until it reduces slightly, typically around 20 minutes, then add salt according to your taste preferences.
  3. Allow the mixture to cool before transferring it to a jar and refrigerating it.

Author: Oogne

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Report recipe: Real ketchup, no sugar